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Math block


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An auto-formatting math block powered by MathQuill. Start typing math as you intuitively would, and your keystrokes will be turned into fractions, exponents, and more automatically. The block also supports pasting LaTeX directly into it.

Math is supported as its own block or inline (shown seperately in the '/' dropdown).


  • Superscript

  • Subscript

  • Type plaintext

  • Latex symbols


You can type keywords to generate common mathematical expressions and symbols:

  • sqrt: Square root expression (√)
  • sum: Sigma notation expression (Ξ£)
  • int: Integral expression (∫)
  • vec: Vector arrow characters (β†’)
  • hat: Hat character (^)
  • pi: Pi symbol (Ο€)
  • Pi: Uppercase Pi symbol (Ξ )
  • theta: Lowercase theta symbol (ΞΈ)
  • Theta: Uppercase Theta symbol (Θ)
  • rho: Lowercase rho symbol (ρ)
  • phi: Lowercase phi symbol (Ο†)
  • Phi: Uppercase Phi symbol (Ξ¦)
  • alpha: Lowercase alpha symbol (Ξ±)
  • beta: Lowercase beta symbol (Ξ²)
  • gamma: Lowercase gamma symbol (Ξ³)
  • Gamma: Uppercase Gamma symbol (Ξ“)
  • delta: Lowercase delta symbol (Ξ΄)
  • Delta: Uppercase Delta symbol (Ξ”)
  • epsilon: Lowercase epsilon symbol (Ξ΅)
  • zeta: Lowercase zeta symbol (ΞΆ)
  • eta: Lowercase eta symbol (Ξ·)
  • iota: Lowercase iota symbol (ΞΉ)
  • kappa: Lowercase kappa symbol (ΞΊ)
  • lambda: Lowercase lambda symbol (Ξ»)
  • Lambda: Uppercase Lambda symbol (Ξ›)
  • mu: Lowercase mu symbol (ΞΌ)
  • nu: Lowercase nu symbol (Ξ½)
  • xi: Lowercase xi symbol (ΞΎ)
  • Xi: Uppercase Xi symbol (Ξ)
  • omicron: Lowercase omicron symbol (ΞΏ)
  • sigma: Lowercase sigma symbol (Οƒ)
  • Sigma: Uppercase Sigma symbol (Ξ£)
  • tau: Lowercase tau symbol (Ο„)
  • upsilon: Lowercase upsilon symbol (Ο…)
  • Upsilon: Uppercase Upsilon symbol (Ξ₯)
  • chi: Lowercase chi symbol (Ο‡)
  • \psi: Lowercase psi symbol (ψ)
  • \Psi: Uppercase Psi symbol (Ξ¨)
  • omega: Lowercase omega symbol (Ο‰)
  • Omega: Uppercase Omega symbol (Ξ©)
  • infty: Infinity symbol (∞)
  • partial: Partial derivative symbol (βˆ‚)
  • nabla: Nabla symbol (βˆ‡)
  • prime: Prime symbol (β€²)
  • times: Multiplication symbol (Γ—)
  • div: Division symbol (Γ·)
  • cdot: Centered dot symbol (Β·)
  • circ: Ring operator symbol (∘)
  • bullet: Bullet operator symbol (β€’)
  • odot: Circled dot operator (βŠ™)
  • oplus: Circled plus operator (βŠ•)
  • otimes: Circled times operator (βŠ—)
  • cup: Union symbol (βˆͺ)
  • cap: Intersection symbol (∩)
  • vee: Logical OR symbol (∨)
  • wedge: Logical AND symbol (∧)
  • sim: Similar to symbol (∼)
  • simeq: Asymptotically equal to symbol (≃)
  • approx: Approximately equal to symbol (β‰ˆ)
  • cong: Congruent to symbol (β‰…)
  • neq: Not equal to symbol (β‰ )
  • equiv: Equivalent to symbol (≑)
  • leq: Less than or equal to symbol (≀)
  • geq: Greater than or equal to symbol (β‰₯)
  • ll: Much less than symbol (β‰ͺ)
  • gg: Much greater than symbol (≫)
  • subset: Subset of symbol (βŠ‚)
  • supset: Superset of symbol (βŠƒ)
  • subseteq: Subset of or equal to symbol (βŠ†)
  • supseteq: Superset of or equal to symbol (βŠ‡)
  • \in: An element of symbol (∈)
  • notin: Not an element of symbol (βˆ‰)
  • propto: Proportional to symbol (∝)
  • forall: For all symbol (βˆ€)
  • exists: There exists symbol (βˆƒ)
  • nexists: There does not exist symbol (βˆ„)
  • neg: Negation symbol (Β¬)
  • lnot: Logical NOT symbol (Β¬)
  • rightarrow: Right arrow symbol (β†’)
  • leftarrow: Left arrow symbol (←)
  • leftrightarrow: Left-right arrow symbol (↔)
  • Rightarrow: Right double arrow symbol (β‡’)
  • Leftarrow: Left double arrow symbol (⇐)
  • Leftrightarrow: Left-right double arrow symbol (⇔)
  • mapsto: Maps to symbol (↦)
  • to: To symbol (β†’)
  • aleph: Aleph symbol (β„΅)
  • hbar: Reduced Planck constant symbol (ℏ)
  • imath: Dotless i symbol (Δ±)
  • jmath: Dotless j symbol (Θ·)
  • ell: Script l symbol (β„“)
  • Re: Real part symbol (β„œ)
  • Im: Imaginary part symbol (β„‘)
  • \N: Set of natural numbers symbol (β„•)
  • \Z: Set of integers symbol (β„€)
  • \Q: Set of rational numbers symbol (β„š)
  • \R: Set of real numbers symbol (ℝ)
  • \C: Set of complex numbers symbol (β„‚)
  • \P: Set of prime numbers symbol (β„™)
  • \H: Set of quaternions symbol (ℍ)
Learn more
You can also input an even larger list of mathematical and scientific symbols using backslash (\) and LaTeX commands. Check out this PDF for a list.