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Our tech


"Slate is a completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. Slate lets you build rich, intuitive editors like those in Medium, Dropbox Paper or Google Docs—which are becoming table stakes for applications on the web—without your codebase getting mired in complexity."

We use Slate as the backbone of Stempad's editor. It's flexibility and configurability has been instrumental in building an editor with the custom features and blocks needed for Stempad's user experience.



"MathQuill is an open source formula editor for the Web maintained by @laughinghan and @stufflebear. MathQuill was born of a need to communicate math. The creators, @laughinghan and @jneen, used LaTeX for projects together, but struggled to collaborate online once they were apart. They wanted a tool to both write and read math without resorting to ugly flat text or more cumbersome conventions."

We use MathQuill to power our Math block. It's the fastest and most intuitive web based math editor.



"Desmos is the dead-simple way to embed rich, interactive math into your web page or web app. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more."

We use Desmos to power our Graph block. It's a staple in the math community and provides a performant and intuitive graphing experience.



"CodeMirror is a code editor component for the web. It can be used in websites to implement a text input field with support for many editing features, and has a rich programming interface to allow further extension."

We use CodeMirror to power our Code block. It's configurable, lightweight, and intuitive for our users.


JSME Molecule Editor

"JSME is a free molecule editor written in JavaScript. JSME is a direct successor of the JME Molecule Editor applet. JSME supports drawing and editing of molecules and reactions on desktop computer, as well as on handheld devices including iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones and tablets."

We use JSME to power our Chemistry block. It's powerful, open-source, and lightweight.



"Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them."

We use Excalidraw to power our Draw block. It's powerful, open-source, lightweight, and loved by the community.



"UploadThing is the easiest way to add file uploads to your full stack TypeScript application."

We use UploadThing to store and track images uploaded by users to their Stempad pads.
